頻度の副詞 | Frequency Adverbs

frequency (頻度)は物事がどれくらいくりかえし起こるかということ。
英語を勉強しているとよく出てくる always (いつも)や sometimes (ときどき) などは頻度を表す副詞と呼ばれています。

以下は VOA Everyday Grammar: Frequency Adverbs の頻度の副詞のまとめです。発音は動画でチェックしてください。 
Always 100%
Usually 90%
Often 75%
Sometimes 50%
Occasionally 30%
Seldom 10%
Rarely 5%
Never 0%

News Words: Unique

Welcome to the Voice of America's News Words
Pineapples are not just for eating.
Soon, you might be wearing a pineapple - in some form.
Carmen Hijosa created a material called piñatex from the fibers of pineapple leaves.
Piñatex has been used by hundreds of fashion manufacturers to make clothing and shoes.
Altiir is a clothing company that makes jackets with the material, giving them a unique look and feel.
Unique means that someone or something is not like anyone or anything else. It is something or someone singular, without equal.

something singular: 並はずれたもの
without equal: 比類ない

News Words: Hypothesis


Welcome to the Voice of America's News Words.
Scientists have discovered that songbirds, like humans, learn to make sounds by copying what they hear.


Songbirds and humans have a similar brain structure for learning sound, say researchers at Rockefeller University.
Scientist Erich Jarvis formed a hypothesis that molecules guide brain connections that create paths to the voice box, permitting the copying of sounds.
A hypothesis is an idea or theory that is not proven.
Forming a hypothesis is the first step in the scientific method.

News Words: Radiant メーガン・マークル とっても輝いてる


Welcome to the Voice of America's News Words.
Britain's Prince Harry and American Meghan Markle were married on May 19.
Before the ceremony, officials announced they would be called the 'Duke and Duchess of Sussex.'
After they were officially declared man and wife, the Duke and Duchess rode through the English town of Windsor in a carriage.
Crowds lined the streets to get a close look at them.
Many said the new bride looked radiant.
To look radiant is to show signs of happiness or love.
Something described as radiant can be bright and full of light.


結婚式の前に,二人は「Duke and Duchess of Sussex(サセックスの公爵)」となることが発表された。
近くで姿を見ようと道には観衆が集まり,多くの人が新婦は輝いて見える (look radiant) と言った。
「look radiant(輝いて見える)」は幸福と愛の表れである。


公爵: duke, duchess
侯爵: marquess, marchioness
伯爵: earl, countess
子爵: viscount, viscountess
男爵: baron, baroness

米国国営放送 VOA がトランプ大統領の フェイクニュース (Fake News) を簡単に解説!

News Words: Fake

This is a news word President Donald Trump often uses to describe media reports.

We had hundreds of bidders; everybody wants to build our wall.
Some of the fake news said, "I don't think Donald Trump wants to build the wall."
Can you imagine if I said, "We're not going to build a wall?"
Fake news.

Something that is fake is not true.
It can also mean something that is meant to look real, but is not.
In sports, "to fake" is to move in a way meant to trick an opponent.




a way meant to trick an opponent
a way を過去分詞句の meant to trick an opponent が修飾しています。

News Words: Denuclearization 【スクリプト・訳・解説】 VOA Learning English

News Words: Denuclearization


Welcome to the Voice of America's News Words.
On June 12, U.S President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un made history on the island of Sentosa.
The meeting in Singapore was the first between a U.S. president while in office and a North Korean leader.
Both said they will work towards peace between North and South Korea and complete denuclearization of North Korea.
Denuclearization is the removal of nuclear weapons from a place, usually a country.
It includes preventing the building and possession of nuclear weapons.




2文目:U.S President Donald Trump
例えば,ブッシュ大統領は President Bush。
無冠詞・大文字で [President + 名前] として使います。

3文目:a U.S. president
3文目の president には歴代のアメリカ大統領の一人ということで不定冠詞の a がついています。